Thursday, March 11, 2010

Holding out for a hero

On February 18, we talked about heros in class.
What does it take to be a hero? "He's gotta be soon and he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be larger than life...." not necessarily. =)
There are three sections to a hero's journey-- departure, initiation, and return.
I had never formally classified a hero's journey that way, but it is true. Everyone has different heros, but they all have to depart to chase after their dreams, save a life, etc. Initiation is the most essential part of becoming a hero, and then return was questionable to me. Some heros will die on a journey whether they have accomplished their goals or not.
Then, I decided to not take 'return' so literally. Returning does not have to be in a physical sense, heros can return in memories or stories to help others. Heros are not fleeting champions, rather, they make legendary impacts.

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