Monday, February 1, 2010

Lonely As a Cloud

I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud....
I really love this poem. It isn't too complicated, and I love the imagery. It's interesting to me that Wordsworth chose to use the word lonely-- which usually has a negative connotation-- and made it sound jocund, in fact, he later describes it as blissful solitude. I also noticed that some form of the word dance, is in every stanza. I like the simplicity and thoughtfulness of this poem. I am not as attached to nature as Wordsworth seems to be in this poem, but I really love camping and being outdoors. In fact, I just went running outside and the weather is starting to feel like spring, yay! It was interesting to read that excerpt from his sister Dorothy's journal and compare it with his poem. I know that they were both on the same walk in nature together, but the poem seems more significant as he mentions that he was lonely, since nature kept him company.

jocund- cheerful
(This is how I wil be listing my new vocabulary within my blogs)

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