Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm Engaged and I Broke my Leg

I love holidays. April fools is a paticularly funny holiday if you think about it-- what other day of the year allows you to make up stories and tricks, and then get away with it with a simple shouting of, "April Fools!" So, as a little memoir of all the past April 1sts that I have survived, =) and to hopefully spark some ideas of how I can trick people today, here is a list of thoughts:
1-My uncle told me that my gma and gpa's cow had a baby, and they named the calf Rylee after me.
2- I was one of those kids who brought lunch from home most of the time. On April fools day, I would find my twinkie filled with ketchup, or something creative like that.
3- FOOD COLORING!!!! The possibilities are endless....
4- "I'm moving to Japan..." this actually worked on me! My friend Jenna told me that in the morning, and I totally fell for it. I'll blame it on the fact that seminary is very early.
5- The rubber band attached to the kitchen sink idea is a classic. Someone in my house back in Ohio gets sprayed every year... sometimes it's even the person who was pulling the prank!
6- Changing the clocks, preferably ahead so you don't ruin a person's schedule.
7- Dry erase markers are good for drawing mustaches on the picture frames we have hanging along the wall by the stairs-- it comes right off too.
8- BEST FOR LAST, I love this-- you get plain vanilla yogurt and put it in a circular shape on a plate. Then get a canned peach or apricot half and lay it smack dab in the middle. Wah-la.... sunny side up eggs!
It is great to see reactions after awesome little pranks, and it is awesome that we don't have to go to any classes for the holiday! ;) Happy April fools!

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